Wednesday, July 17, 2013

#5: Money saving tips

      I have no job, I'm hardly able to pay for college and I'm currently on AHCCCS insurance. How in the heck am I going to afford a baby? (I am not looking for judgment based on my situation, so please only leave positive comments) While my insurance covers the general hospital bills, that is only the beginning of baby-related expenses.

Here are some tips that I've found helpful so far when budgeting for a baby:
  • Cloth diapering- While it is an expensive method to start, you will end up saving thousands of dollars on diapers while leaving a lighter carbon footprint. There are a few different kinds of cloth diapering depending on how dedicated you are to the idea. Visit this site for explanations:
  • Secondhand- Although it might not fit your dream of furnishing a beautiful nursery with brand-new items, buying furniture secondhand is definitely more cost effective and offers the same benefits to baby. Some common baby items to buy used are: a crib/ pack'n'play, a swing, bouncy seat, high chair, toys, breast pump (just replace some parts), baby clothes, stroller, car seat, blankets and hangers. For obvious reasons, you should wash and sanitize all used items you buy and replace soiled mattress pads.
Goodwill, Savers, Other Mothers, Craigslist, Ebay,, federal/state grants
  • Samples/coupons- Many websites and even your doctor are able to give you coupons and sample sized baby products to help you figure out what you like and add to your baby stock.
  • Buy in moderation- Take into account that your baby won't need a high chair for a good while or fit into 6 month diapers until 6 months after birth. Buying things when they are needed and not all at once can help you save some money for emergencies and also limit the amount of stuff you have.
  • Ask for help- There is a good chance that you have friends or family that have recently had a baby and could lend or give you some of their supplies. It is always good to save money when you're able to.
  • Know your options- There are many options available for financial and necessity assistance at the federal and state level. AHCCCS, WIC, Emergency Financial Assistance programs, and church donations are all options that many people qualify for.

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