Unless you are extremely fortunate and able to receive the high end ultrasounds, you are probably often confused with what you're seeing. Especially in the first trimester, the baby tends to just look like a blob on the screen and it seems like there is no way that the ultrasound tech can actually know what she is looking at. Most people say that the gender cannot be determined until about 20 weeks by an ultrasound, but there are a few other non-proven methods that some people swear by as well. Want to know your baby's gender? Try these tips.
Ultrasound at 20 weeks: These two are noticeably different. (boy/left, girl/right)
Ultrasound at 16 weeks: The three lines aren't as distinguished as they are at 20 weeks, but compared to each other the difference is clear. (boy/left, girl/right) Even a few weeks earlier than these, you can see three noticeable white lines for a girl and more of a cluster formig for a boy.
Chinese Gender Chart: Match your age at conception to the month when you conceived.
How you're carrying: If you're carrying high it's a girl, if you're carrying low it's a boy. You can tell the difference between these two women if you look at their chest compared to the peak of their bump.
Food cravings: Sweet = girl, sour = boy.
Heart rate: This theory states that if a baby's heart rate is 140 beats per minute or above, it is a girl. A boy will have a heart rate below 140.There is no scientific evidence of this being accurate but it's a fun way to guess.
The Drano Test: This one's a little out there. Pee in a cup then mix a tablespoon of Drano in, and watch to see if it changes color. Green = girl, and blue = boy.
Even vs. odd: Legend has it that the Mayans determined a baby's sex by looking at the mother's age at conception and the year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If one's even and one's odd, it's a boy.
The Key trick: Go find your car keys and pick them up by one key. If you grab it by the narrow part, it's a girl. If you grab it by the round part, it's a boy.
Your Skin: If you have experienced a dramatic increase in the amount or type of acne you have, blame it on a baby girl.
The Ring trick: Pop off your wedding ring and tie it to a string. Hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circle, a little guy's in your future. If it goes back and forth, you've got a girl.
Morning sickness: Nausea and morning sickness tend to indicate you're having a girl. Little or no morning sickness points to a boy.
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